Get Involved
The London Latin Mass Apostolate is always looking for volunteers. Please see the below opportunities for ways you may be able to assist in helping our Latin Mass Apostolate:

Volunteers Needed!
From hospitality to cleaning, we require your help in order for us to continue to be able to offer this Mass.
Altar Servers
The London Latin Mass Apostolate is in need of altar servers. If you are a male and above the age of seven and wish to serve the Traditional Latin Mass, please come to the sacristy after Sunday Mass and speak with Father John. Training sessions can be arranged.
Sunday Choir
Men and women are welcome to join our Sunday Latin Mass Choir. If you desire to share your talents with our community, please see Dave in the choir loft on Sundays or email londonlatinmass@gmail.com for more information
Men’s Schola Cantorum
Men 18+ who would like to learn Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphony and assist for Feast Day Masses are welcome to join the Men’s Schola Cantorum. For more information, please speak to Aaron Drahuschak or email londonlatinmass@gmail.com
Coffee Sunday Crew
We are always looking for helping hands to assist with set-up and take down of our Coffee Sundays. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. For more information, please speak to Aaron Drahuschak or email londonlatinmass@gmail.com.
If you are uncertain who to speak to, Fr. John can direct you to the correct person.